Through donations, Pathfinder Mission provided the funds for the mission house - (on the left)
Update from Pastor Marc
We give all glory to the King Jesus that sent us in Baie d'Orange last year to preach the gospel. First trip was difficult, But God used us for His glory. After 1 year, more than 100 people already give their Life to Jesus, we purchased that property, we build the mission house and the church. Thank you Jesus for what you are doing in Haiti. Thank you to all those that give to help preaching the Gospel there and to build the mission house and to build the church.
This is a picture of the living conditions for many families in rural Haiti. Current political and economic conditions have slowed the rebuild project, but not stopped it.
Our purpose is to improve the quality of life for Haitians living in the country and mountains. We can do this by providing a home that is not extravagant, but is durable. But at the same time, we want to spread the Gospel. We will never promote any project without ensuring that the good news is shared and God is glorified. We are building homes with the leadership and participation of churches in Anse du Clerc, Jacmel, Camp Perrin and Les Anglaise. Our plan is to build as many homes as the Lord provides the means to build in each community. The pastors will identify the families, confirm property ownership, and manage the project for their community. All of this will be accomplished with the oversight of the lead pastor and Pathfinder Mission. Through this project, the people living in the mountains and those who have lost their homes by earthquake, flood and hurricanes will know that God has not forgotten them.
Just a casual drive through the Haitian countryside will reveal the harsh living conditions that most Haitians living in the rural areas must endure. The houses are little more than shanties, held up with twine and palm fronds. The roofs are covered with weather worn plastic tarps. This is all they know and all they can hope for. There is a song that the orphanage children sing,
"Bondye pa bliye mwen, Li konnen nom'"
God has not forgotten me, He knows my name.
We can build a house with an outhouse for about $1500 USD. If we add a rain catch system the cost is $1700 USD. For $2000 we can include a cement floor in the house. That is more money than the poor of Haiti can imagine, but $1000 is about what the average American household will spend on soft drinks in a year. All construction is accomplished with Haitian labor. All interaction with the home owner is done through the pastor of the local church. Our goal is to make the local church the focal point for help in the community. Not the Americans who resource it.
"Pure and undefiled religion is this, to visit the widows and orphans in their affliction."
The majority of the homes we build are for widows and single moms. The major difference with respect to a widow and a single mom is not the life struggle they face, but the manner in which the husband left the family. For widows in death and for single moms in abandonment.
"Bear one another's burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ."
The people we build homes for live with a silent struggle. No hope for help except through the local church.
Committed to build at least 5 houses in Camp Perrin rural communities
Single 42 year old mother of 2. House totally destroyed, living in a tent with her children and her mother.
Pastor in Camp Perrin - Family of five (5) House totally destroyed - only foundation remains
Family of three (3) - House totally destroyed - living with other families
Family of eight (8). Their house was destroyed by the hurricane Mathew, since then the live under a small things made with clothes and tarp.
Widow - family of three (3). Living in a tent.
3 Adults and 1 Child - Home destroyed in earthquake.
Next we are helping families in Les Anglaise - West of the epicenter. Currently we have enough funds to build two houses.
Single Mom - Family of 3 - Home destroyed by earthquake.
Single Mom - Family of 4 - Home destroyed in earthquake.
Single Mom - Family of 4 - Home destroyed in earthquake.
3 Adults and 8 Children - Home destroyed in earthquake.
2 Adults and 1 Child - Home destroyed in earthquake.
2 Adults and 3 Children - Home destroyed in earthquake.
2 Adults and 1 Child - Home destroyed in earthquake.
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